2196. Create Binary Tree From Descriptions

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You are given a 2D integer array descriptions where descriptions[i] = [parenti, childi, isLefti] indicates that parenti is the parent of childi in a binary tree of unique values. Furthermore,

Construct the binary tree described by descriptions and return **its *root***.

The test cases will be generated such that the binary tree is valid.

  Example 1:

Input: descriptions = [[20,15,1],[20,17,0],[50,20,1],[50,80,0],[80,19,1]]
Output: [50,20,80,15,17,19]
Explanation: The root node is the node with value 50 since it has no parent.
The resulting binary tree is shown in the diagram.

Example 2:

Input: descriptions = [[1,2,1],[2,3,0],[3,4,1]]
Output: [1,2,null,null,3,4]
Explanation: The root node is the node with value 1 since it has no parent.
The resulting binary tree is shown in the diagram.



 * Definition for a binary tree node.
 * function TreeNode(val, left, right) {
 *     this.val = (val===undefined ? 0 : val)
 *     this.left = (left===undefined ? null : left)
 *     this.right = (right===undefined ? null : right)
 * }
 * @param {number[][]} descriptions
 * @return {TreeNode}
var createBinaryTree = function(descriptions) {
    var nodeMap = {};
    var hasNoParentMap = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++) {
        var [parent, child, isLeft] = descriptions[i];
        if (hasNoParentMap[parent] === undefined) hasNoParentMap[parent] = true;
        hasNoParentMap[child] = false;
        if (!nodeMap[parent]) nodeMap[parent] = new TreeNode(parent);
        if (!nodeMap[child]) nodeMap[child] = new TreeNode(child);
        if (isLeft) {
            nodeMap[parent].left = nodeMap[child];
        } else {
            nodeMap[parent].right = nodeMap[child];
    return nodeMap[Object.keys(hasNoParentMap).filter(key => hasNoParentMap[key])[0]];


